Generac Clean Energy Dealer

We are an authorized dealer and service provider for Generac Clean Energy and solar products. Clients interested in the Generac offerings will be given proposals for Generac solar, inverter, battery, and generator products. Working together, these products can deliver true grid independent electricity. It is important to size the solar and battery storage correctly, so working with an experienced, vetted company is crucial.
Partial backup is available today through the use of backup load panels. Whole home backup with the Generac line is coming in Q3 2020.
Enphase Energy Storage Solution

We have been installing and offering Enphase Energy microinverter solar systems since 2015. Enphase has its own battery storage products, and even a whole home transfer switch so that the entire main service panel can be backed up and operational in the event of a power outage.
It is important to adequately size the battery storage for whole home backup, and to utilize the generator inputs of the transfer switch to supplement the battery storage capability. A back up load panel is more ideal for most residential clients, but if sized correctly whole home backup is definitely an option as well.
Generator Installations

Both Generac and Enphase Energy storage solutions will be able to work in conjunction with standby generators to supplement the battery bank. Solar + Battery Storage is heavily dependent on having sunny weather, so adding in a generator is a great way to operate for long periods of time during days with poor sunlight or high electricity demands.
Both solutions are meant to be brand independent, so as long as there is a compatible start / stop circuit in your standby generator, we can use it with Enphase and Generac transfer switches.